Established in 1999 by Steven Chan. SLK Design Limited strives to provide our clients with excellent quality of design and efficient management from initial design concept to contracting service.
Our team of well trained designers and project coordinators is the strongest support which enables us to maintain a high and professional standard of interior design service covering all stages from space planning, project management, detail drawings and documentation to site construction work.
SLK Design Limited is also a Class II & III Registered Minor Work Contractor (MWC1403/2013) registered under the Building Department’s list of minor work contractors as required by the Building Law.


Steven Chan was graduated from the School of Design of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University majored in Interior Design with over 20 years of experience in the design field.
Steven has previously been involved in a wide spectrum of projects from hotel, corporate, retail, commercial and residential designs, and presently he is also a full member of the Hong Kong Designers Association ( )


Steven believes that architecture is like the body of a man while interior design is the soul which gives life to it. Good communication with clients will always avoid misunderstanding and therefore mistakes can be prevented.
He believes that a good design should reflect the personality and style of the client but not only of the designer. A designer is more like a problem solver to help solving the client’s problems in a professional way with taste and style.


本公司創辦人陳展鵬先生為資深室內設計師。畢業於香港理工大學設計系,主修室內設計。陳先生同時亦是香港設計師協會會員( ),早年曾長駐國內大城市如北京、上海、南京及廣州等地負責多項大型酒店設計項目,經驗豐富。 本公司亦擁有專業的設計及施工團隊,能接受不同形色大小的設計項目的挑戰。 近年本公司主力承接商業辦公室及住宅的室內設計及裝修工程。 同時亦不忘北望神州,參與了國內部份酒店、辦公室、樓盤示範單位及銷售展廳的設計項目。

在現今寸金尺土和時間就是金錢的大前提下,我司成功克服了多項具挑戰性的工程。 在有限的預算和極短的期限內完成令客人滿意的工程,使我們獲得不少客戶的讚賞和鼓勵,教我們更堅信價廉物美、如期交貨的營商宗旨在經濟緊縮的大氣候下必定更廣受歡迎。

如果閣下/貴司對本公司服務有興趣,歡迎瀏覽本公司網頁 ( ) 或 直接致電本公司 ( 852 ) 2116 2666 查詢。